99000 34002


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What We Offer

Energy Pre Audit

Define the objectives and boundaries of the audit, like specific areas or systems to focus on.

Site Survey

Visually assess the facility to identify potential energy-saving opportunities and equipment performance.

Data Collection

Use portable instruments to measure energy use at key points in the system.

Data Analysis

Identify trends, peak usage periods, and potential areas of waste

Cost-Benefit Analysis

Calculate the cost of implementing each energy-saving measure and the potential energy and cost savings

Implementation and monitoring

Continuously monitor energy consumption and measure the effectiveness of implemented measures

Request A Free Quote

Energy audit services help individuals and organizations identify and address areas of inefficient energy use, leading to reduced costs and environmental impact. This involves a comprehensive assessment of your energy consumption and provide data-driven recommendations for improvement.

What is Energy Audit Service?

Energy Audit is a systematic process to analyze your energy use across various systems (buildings, equipment, etc.) It utilizes data collection, analysis, and identification of potential savings opportunities and aims to optimize energy efficiency and reduce overall energy consumption.

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Bangalore, Karnataka

99000 34002

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